Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Die Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (ÖPG) findet vom 30.8. bis 3.9.2021 an der Universität Innsbruck statt.
Der ÖPG-Fachausschuss „Physik in der Industrie“ sucht Vortragende zum Thema :
„Start-Ups : From great physics to innovative products“
Has anyone ever approached you during your Master´s or PhD thesis and asked if they „could also have one of those products that you have built“?
Then you should definitely think about taking the next level. In this year´s session of the „Physics in Industry“ section we will be looking at what is needed to recognize and mature great ideas in a physics and engineering context and bring them to market. If you are in a physics-related start-up and have an exciting story to tell, please contact :
Dr. Peter Korczak, Vorsitzender „Physik-Industrie“ in der ÖPG
peter.korczak@aon.at, tel. 066473760140.